Gift giving is fun but can be a tad difficult trying to find the right gifts and especially if it’s for members of the opposite sex. The men in my life (Husband, father, sons, cousins, friends) are such different personalities and age ranges that sometimes the gift giving ideas take a little bit more time to find the right gifts. Here is a great gift gifting guide for the men in your life, hopefully making the shopping process a bit easier!

This type of gift is my favorite type to purchase because most guys love fun gadgets! Why not pick up a gadget that is not only geared towards men but will improve their skincare routine (if they even have one, yet!) and help them achieve great skin. Two cleansing brushes that are great gifts to pick up are the FOREO Luna Men cleansing brush and the Clarisonic Mia Sonic Skin Cleansing System Mens in Gray. The Clarisonic has a rotating brush while the FOREO Luna is a vibrating brush that fits great in your palm. Both products are geared towards men and their skin care needs for great immediate and long term skin health. These cleansing brushes are small, simple and quick to use!

Blog Written by askderm's Guest Esthetician
Guys Love Gadgets

Keep His Face Staying Soft and Smooth
I love stocking stuffers! They are absolutely so much fun to come up with and purchase. Some of my favorite products I like to include in their stockings are shaving must haves since it will be used very often and is so much better for their skin rather than those cheap $3 cans of shaving cream that doesn’t do much for their skin’s health. Razors, shaving creams, and aftershaves are great little gifts to fill their stockings. I already purchased my hubby Dylan’s favorite shaving cream Lab Series Max Comfort Shaving Gel and an electric grooming system and trimmer. These are great gifts that will be put to go use.
Help Them Take Little Steps To Great Skin Health
A lot of men like simplicity and won’t invest in skincare products for their face. I know several men who wash their face with harsh soap because it’s easy and already there and I even know a couple who have admitted to applying rubbing alcohol on their acne to ‘help dry it out (omg! No! No! No!!!). Help the men in your life by providing them with the necessities and they can do the rest. Now a days there are so many products geared towards men that it’s a no brainer in picking which is right for them. Start off with a good face wash and moisturizer and help them achieve great, healthy skin. Products such as Lab Series Multi-Action Face Wash and Lab Series Night Recovery Lotion are great for any guy and will help on improving overall skin health.For Those Fit Men In Your Life
There are so many cool new products out there for those who love fitness and working out. A line that has some great ideas is Nip And Man. Nip and Man has products such as Power Workout Fix which has a soothing and relaxing effect for sore muscles after a great workout as well as their Nip and Man Ab Fix with Gemmoslim to help tighten, tone and help the appearance of abs. These are not a quick, overnight fitness in a bottle but it will help them get a boost in their fitness results.Try Simple, Multipurpose Products
Unlike women, most men rather not take lots of time and energy having an entire skin care routine each morning and evening so why don’t you make it easier for them by purchasing multipurpose products that could kill two birds with one stone. Some products out there that I found that seem to really help him by saving time are KLENSKIN Shower On Sunscreen SPF 30…yes you heard right…KLENSKIN is a shower on body wash, shampoo AND SPF 30! This is good especially for those active guys out there that are always on the run and gives them a bit more sun protection from head to toe…(but I’d add a topical sunscreen before leaving the house to give some extra UVA/UVB protection). Another multipurpose product is AminoGenesis HEFF Man - Total Repair for Split, Cracked and Dry Hands, Elbows and Feet. The HEFF Man has a manly look to its packaging so it’s not your typical heavy duty moisturizer and is great especially for those guys in your life that have hard, rough hands from working hard and won’t be seen at the spa getting a manicure or pedicure. Give them the treatment at home. These are some great gift ideas you can add to whatever other gifts you may purchase for your favorite guys in your life and help them in achieving a healthy face. You are not only helping them improve their appearance at the moment but helping them slow down the aging process and have long term smoother, healthier skin. Add some of their favorite snacks, video games and movies and you are set with a wonderful gift that will be enjoyed and appreciated even after the holidays are over. What are you getting the men in your life this year?Blog Written by askderm's Guest Esthetician
Stephanie Ivonne is a New Jersey licensed Esthetician. Her fun-loving, outgoing personality will shine through her product selections & reviews to help you discover the hottest skincare and beauty products.
When Stephanie is not scouring the internet for the next hot skincare product, she is a mother to two wonderful biological children, a dedicated foster mom and is devoted to her husband of 13 years.