Prepare: Effortlessly twist the cleansing tip onto your Total+. Apply your favorite cleanser to damp skin
Cleanse: Let your Nion do it's thing! Activate by holding down the power button and select your desired settings by pressing the "+/-" buttons, then gently guide the Opus across your face in circular motions for 3 minutes
Rinse: Rinse your face and pat dry for gorgeous, glowing skin
Indulge: Switch to the Heat Therapy tip and press the "+/-" button to select your desired setting, then gently glide it across your face to open pores
Glow: Fit the Anti-Aging tip and press the "+/-" button to select your desired setting, then massage problem areas for a boost of youthful radiance
Rejuvenate: Activate your LED Light Therapy tip and press the "+/-" to select your desired setting then guide it across your skin to encourage rejuvenation and healing